Our exhibitions
Участие Группы компаний ВЕДА в Международном авиа-космическом салоне Авиасвит-2014
Группа компаний ВЕДА приймент участие в Десятом Международном авиа-космическом салоне Авиасвит 2014 и предствавит новую продукцию
Итоги XXVI Международной агропромышленной виставки «АГРО-2014»
С большим удовольствием подводим итоги XXVI Международной агропромышленной виставки «АГРО-2014»
Results of international industrial escalators and elevators exhibition Inelex 2014
An international industrial exhibition of escalators and elevators Inelex 2014 was hosted from 23 to 25 May 2014 in Izmir, Turkey.
VEDA participates in XXVI International Agroindustrial exhibition Agro 2014
Kindly invite you to visit our stand at XXVI International Agroindustrial exhibition Agro 2014
Participation of VEDA Group of Companies in industrial fair show Inelex 2014
VEDA Group of Companies takes part in 9th International Elevators & Elevator Technologies Exhibition Inelex 2014, which will be held in Izmir, Turkey from 23th till 2 th of May, 2014.
Attendence of Lift Balkans trade show by VEDA representatives
5-7 March 2014 passed the significant for elevator industry Lift Balkans 2014 fair show, which was attended by representatives of VEDA Group of companies.
Results XII International Industrial Forum 2013
Group VEDA summarizes participation in XII International Industrial Forum .
VEDA Group of Companies will Take Part in the Twelfth International Industrial Forum
VEDA Group of Companies will take part in the Twelfth International Industrial Forum which will be held on November 19-22, 2013, at the International Exhibition Center (Brovarskoy Avenue, 15, “Levoberezhnaya” metro station), Kiev, Ukraine.
Results of “Energy in the Industry 2013” Exhibition
VEDA Group of Companies participated in the exhibition "Energy in the Industry 2013."
VEDA Group of Companies to Participate in “Energy in the Industry 2013” Exhibition
VEDA Group of Companies will participate in the Eleventh International Specialized Exhibition “Power in the Industry 2013” to be held on September 24-26, 2013, at the International Exhibition Center (Brovarskoy Avenue, 15, “Levoberezhnaya” metro station), Kiev, Ukraine.