Magnetic Abrasive Finishing

VEDA Group of Companies offers a unique method of magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) with "semi-fixed" abrasive used for uniform and high-quality processing of irregular shaped objects.
The uniqueness of MAF:
- use of magnetic abrasive powder composite materials with specific properties in weak magnetic fields;
- special kinematics of instrument movements.
Application of MAF - finish machining during production, repair, strengthening and restoration of the following parts and tools:
- turbine blades
- end cutting tools
- throwaway carbide indexable inserts
- gear-like parts
- helical surfaces
- saws
- etc.
Can be carried out finishing of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials.
Powders for Magnetic Abrasive Finishing
Technical advantages:
- Ensuring the undulation of irregular surfaces of Ra <0.1-0.2 microns for a wide variety of materials, such as alloys of aluminum, copper, titanium, magnesium, structural and special steels, special heat resistant and sintered hard alloys, technical ceramics, etc.
- Providing a surface layer with increased hardness, compressive residual stresses and gradient structure.
- Increased durability of cutting tools by at least 1.8 times.
- Increased fatigue strength of aircraft engine blades by 15-18%.
- Sizing when forming thin edges on blades and cutting tools.
- Rounding tooth tips of the gear teeth.
- 4-5 times better productivity compared with conventional grinding and polishing techniques.
- Uniform hardening of machined surfaces.
- Preparation of surfaces for CVD and PVD coating.
- Working with products with thin coatings, removing defects, hardening of coated parts.
Economic benefits:
- Elimination of unproductive manual labour
- Automated finishing process
- Automated polishing process
- Improved tool quality
- Restoration of old tools
- Increased service life of tools, savings on new tool purchases.
Tools that can be processed by MAF:
- shanks
- milling cutters (cylindrical, disc, end, face, angular, etc.)
- shaped cutters
- reamers
- broaches
- thread cutting tools
- grooves
- brackets
- measuring plugs.
Customized MAF solutions can be developed and implemented by agreement with the customer.