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Strain gages - Production | Страница 2 | Group of companies «VEDA»

Strain gages

VEDA Group of Companies is proud to offer you a wide range of strain gages which have a well-deserved reputation in Ukraine, the CIS and Eastern Europe.

VEDA is a Ukraine’s leading maker of srtain gages for aerospace, railroad car manufacturing and shipbuilding companies, as well as for research organizations in Russia and Ukraine. Every year, VEDA produces more than 120,000 strain gages.


Strain gages type coding



R – rated impedance 
С – sensor width 
L – mount length
В – mount width 


Strain gauge parameters

Maximum impedance deviation per shipment  (10,000 pcs), %

± 1,0

Maximum impedance deviation per group (100 pcs), %

± 0,2 

Maximum measured strain, mln, mkm/m

± 3000


from  - 1,9 to 2,3

Operating temperature range, ºС

from - 70 to  + 200










* In agreement with the customer can be manufactured gages with different configuration sensor, dimensions and nominal electrical resistance, and without a protective film coating and conclusions.

Mount material for strain gauges: KФ5 - heat-resistant paper impregnated with phenolic glue УВС-10T.


Strain gauges adhesives




Operating temperatures, °С

Super glue

cyanoacrylate, fast setting, cold hardening

Bonds metals and non-porous materials

from minus 80 to plus 80 

Glue UVS-10ТS

phenolic, single component, heat hardening

Used for gluing gauges to metals and various non-metal and non-porous materials

from minus 70 to plus 300 

Glue BFR-2К

phenol-formaldehyde, single component, heat hardening

Bonds metal and non-metal products

up to 200 °С




M Membrane Rosette Strain Gauge photo It is used for measuring the elastic strain of the newly developed materials and structures under static and dynamic loads, as well as for measuring force, velocity, pressure and displacement.
C1 Chain Rosette Strain Gauge photo It is used for measuring the elastic strain of the newly developed materials and structures under static and dynamic loads, as well as for measuring force, velocity, pressure and displacement.
C2 Chain Rosette Strain Gauge photo It is used for measuring the elastic strain of the newly developed materials and structures under static and dynamic loads, as well as for measuring force, velocity, pressure and displacement.
C3 ChainStrain Gauge photo It is used for measuring the elastic strain of the newly developed materials and structures under static and dynamic loads, as well as for measuring force, velocity, pressure and displacement. Strain gauges are used in force measuring transducers and sens